Maybe you’ve heard. Taylor Swift has just released a new song and video. It’s angry. It’s catchy. It’s unlike anything Ms Swift has released in the past. You’re free to like/dislike it. You can identify with it or have no connection. You can share it or completely ignore it.
It’s art.
What else is it? It’s a conversation starter.
Look what you made me do.
On the surface it sounds like an expression of blame on someone else for a person’s actions. I think the song uses the phrase, the anger, and the visual incongruency to show how absurd the statement really is.
I am responsible for my actions. You’re not. You are responsible for your actions. I am not.
But the song also acknowledges that we are all connected to one another. Our actions do affect one another. What we do has an impact on the world.
What does that have to do with mental health? Plenty. When I refuse to follow the “it’s their fault” narrative as it comes to my actions, I take positive steps toward healing and wholeness in my life. When I remember that my actions do have an impact on other people, I take positive steps toward making the world we all live in a better place.
There’s one more thing. You may not be in agreement with what Taylor Swift’s new song expresses. You may think it’s all about blaming someone else for your actions.
How could that be framed in a positive way?
Look what you inspired me to do.
Take care of your mental health
Remember that what you do has an impact on the world.
Go be an inspiration.
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

Rev. Kirk Moore (he, him, his)
Kirk Moore (he, him, his) is a guitarist, vocalist, and a certified music practitioner, (CMP). He’s also the pastor of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Downers Grove, IL and a member of the executive board of the UCC Mental health Network. Find out more about therapeutic music here.