Mental Health Resources
Mental Health America National Mental Health Month toolkit. Annual Mental Health Month toolkits with ready-to-use fact sheets, media posts and articles. Information is available on a variety of mental health issues and advocacy for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ populations.
National Institute of Mental Health. The site offers data on mental health conditions, brochures, and fact sheets or videos to download or order free of charge.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Provides resources, education, advocacy, community programs, support groups and more.
- Find your local NAMI affiliate.
- NAMI Walks Form a team to join the NAMI Walk in your area to support mental health advocacy.
- NAMI FaithNet is a resource network to help congregations be supportive of persons and families living with mental illness. Top sheets, sample sermons, blogs and discussion groups are among the many resources for faith communities.
Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders Published by the American Psychiatric Association Foundation includes suggestions for congregations and clergy to be supportive of those struggling with mental illness including education, workshops, lectures to learn about mental illness, and practical individual gestures such as prayers, notes, cards and meals during a crisis. Faith and spiritual practices also give a person who is struggling a sense of connection, meaning and purpose in life that can be helpful on the path to healing.
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness (INMI): 10 Things Faith Community Leaders Can Do to Make The World a Better Place for People with Mental Illness
Mental Health First-Aid Trainings
Suicide Prevention: update links:
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
QPR Gatekeeper Training, Suicide Prevention
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness (INMI) offers tools for faith communities to better welcome, include and support people with mental illnesses and their families.
Spiritual Support Group Guidelines sample
Read about a UCC church that adopted a covenant on welcoming and supporting people in their congregation who have mental illnesses
“10 Things Faith Community Leaders Can Do to Make The World a Better Place for People with Mental Illnesses” is a one-page summary published by the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness.
Interested in starting a mental health ministry at your church but not sure how to go about it? See this handout: “10 steps for developing a mental health ministry in your congregation.”
The State Of Mental Health In America: Mental Health America is committed to promoting mental health as a critical part of overall wellness.
Mental Health and Mesothelioma
Also, see the worship resources on the “Mental Health Sunday” page