The United Church of Christ Mental Health Network is devoted to helping remove the stigma of mental illness. We also work to help equip congregations to better serve people across the spectrum of mental health through our W.I.S.E. Congregations (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) initiative.
We’re dedicated to prayer
We’re dedicated to action.
And I really like a little beat poetry. 🙂 Perhaps you could add some snapping fingers, or a soft snare drum, maybe some bongos, or a cool bass to the sound as you read . . .
Pray. Act.
By Kirk Moore
Pray relentlessly
Pray relentlessly and boldly – ask God for justice
Even if the world may not care about justice
Take on the world
Pray relentlessly
Pray relentlessly and boldly – ask God for justice
Even if the world may not care about justice
Take on the world
And be encouraged that God is listening and responding
Act relentlessly
Act relentlessly and boldly – ask God for justice
Even if the world may not care about justice
Take on the world
Act relentlessly
Act relentlessly and boldly – ask God for justice
Even if the world may not care about justice
Take on the world
And be encouraged that God is listening and responding
(c) 2010 Kirk Moore

Rev. Kirk Moore (he, him, his)
Kirk Moore (he, him, his) is a guitarist, vocalist, and a certified music practitioner, (CMP).  He’s also the pastor of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Downers Grove, IL and a member of the executive board of the UCC Mental health Network. Find out more about therapeutic music here.