The state of the world doesn’t seem to be getting better. Increasing numbers of cases and hospitalizations nation and worldwide. Continued anger and protest to call for an end to systemic racial injustice. Politics stoking the flames of hate, anxiety, anger, and fear.
Is it ever going to get better?
In some places in the world and in the United States, things do seem to be improving. In some places around the world and in the United States, coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are surging, as if the virus is taking a bow.
Racism has left the undercurrent of society and has begun to infect more and more people. For several years it looked as if it was improving, and now racism is surging, as if it is taking a bow.
And there is still so much hate, anxiety, anger, and fear all around.
The writer of Psalm 44 felt similar feelings — and cried out to God,
Get up and come to our rescue.
If you love us so much, Help us!
Crying out to God in anguish isn’t new. And it isn’t forbidden. May we be bold and brave in our work for justice and in our crying out to God for help.
God Help Us!
Kirk Moore is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He's been a member of the Mental Health Network Board and is also a therapeutic musician, playing music at the bedside for patients - to help bring about the relaxation response to help healing. Find out more at therapeuticmusic.org