The Christian Bible tells us to write the vision, make it plain, so that even though it may tarry, trust and believe the vision will come to pass in our lives. In this climate that we live in today it gets hard to dream and hold on to the vision. It gets hard to dream when the Congress is polarized. It gets hard to dream when the Schools are polarized. It gets hard to dream when Medical systems are polarized. It gets hard to dream when even the church and denominations are polarized. These polarizations cause trauma to many because they become casualties of others convictions. But in the midst of it all, we still must find a way to not give up on hope, because hope never gave up on us.
Before I was “called” (elected) by the people of my first Baptist pastorate, it seemed some days that the dream that I believed God showed me would never happen in my life. There were factors outside of my control that I was being judged by that often eliminated my opportunities to be shifted away from my destiny. The more I was rejected or declined, the more discouraged and depressed I became. I often wondered why God would give me such a passion for a vision without making provision for it to manifest in my life. The more I saw others move forward in their dreams, the more I doubted my ability and anointing. It was if God wanted me to hold on to something that didn’t have a chance of becoming reality. The percentage, in my opinion, was very low of this happening on my behalf.
But when we think about tarry in the text, tarry does not have a time. It may have a kairos time but chronos is not applicable when we must wait for God’s divine time to occur in our lives. I am a firm believer that when God our creator shows us a dream, gives us a vision, and places the passion in our hearts and mind about something, we must believe that God is mandated to bring it to pass in our lives. The dream that God gave me eventually manifested in my life. It came with much prayer and intentionality. So no matter what our faults are, no matter what our short-comings are, no matter how many mistakes we have made, no matter how many times we have been told we don’t qualify or we are not “who” they are looking for, we MUST hold on to the dream, keep the vision before us, and trust God to bring it to pass in our lives.
I challenge you today to write your vision. Keep it before you. Meditate on it. Get it down in your spirit. Realize that God has the power to do it. And watch God manifest in your life. Don’t abort the dream or deny the vision that God has given you. God is doing great things in 2023, so get ready for the manifestation.

Bishop Allyson Abrams, PhD
Bishop Allyson Abrams, PhD, is the senior pastor of Empowerment Liberation Cathedral in Washington DC. She is the founder of Empowerment Justice Center a non-profit that was birthed from the social justice ministry of ELC. She is also an entrepreneur and has her own real estate business, MyVision LLC. Bishop Abrams serves as the Chair/President of the UCC MHN Board and is an advocate for equality and justice. She has won many accolades, has written 4 books, had 3 articles published and is a true visionary.