I’m on vacation this week in the mountains of Colorado. We’re speldmmg time with family and visiting our 10 month old grandson.
There’s something about being in the presence of the mountains that increases my capacity to breathe in deep and exhale long. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I think it has a whole lot to do with the relaxation or ‘unwinding’ of my vagus nerve.
It tells my entire system to slow down. To pause. To unwind.
And it’s so good. My heart rate decreases. My respiration gets slower. My mind changes gears into meditative mode.
My entire system feels more balanced.
It’s the mountains for me. What brings you more balance?
Kirk Moore is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He's been a member of the Mental Health Network Board and is also a therapeutic musician, playing music at the bedside for patients - to help bring about the relaxation response to help healing. Find out more at therapeuticmusic.org