The other week I was driving from an appointment in Cambridge back to my home. Sometimes, when I’m driving along I take the opportunity to listen to a playlist that I have saved called “Jesus Jams”. This is a long and carefully curated-over-many-years playlist that I have put together. There are presently over 100 songs […]
Gratitude by Rev. Dr. Ciarán Osborn
The other day I was shopping at a local store when I came across an entire display of items, everything from pencils to tote bags, that dripped with messages of toxic positivity. These items commanded the reader to “be happy”. In the midst of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions, one of the last […]
Resurrection by Rev. Megan Snell
Church done well can be a community of support and hope. Church can provide people with a sense of inclusion, identity and purpose. Church can be a place of resurrection. In my own ministry and preaching, I endeavor to remind people who they are (created, known, beloved), whose they are (God’s), and what they are […]