The holidays are a time of light, celebration, and connection—or so we’re told. For many, however, this season shines a spotlight on what is absent. Empty chairs at the table, missed milestones, or the ache of transitions in work and relationships can make the holidays a tender and challenging time. I see this as a […]
New Year
Hope in the New Year
The first Advent candle is the candle of hope. The stories of Mary and Elizabeth are about waiting and hoping in God’s promises. These are followed by stories about the hope of the magi who traveled a long journey and the shepherds who left their flocks to come to Bethlehem and see what God had […]
On Future Art and Compassion Resilience
Last week, I went to an information session on a curriculum for organizations or schools on “compassion resilience”. I was there to think about ways in which this toolkit, or some of the pieces in it, might be used in the organization of which I’m director, and I’m looking forward to using some of the […]