As I write this, it is World Suicide Prevention Day in the midst of National Suicide Prevention Week during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Suicide is one of the most important topics we should be discussing in faith communities and it is the one topic most readily avoided. We believe a lot of misinformation about suicide. […]
The Dog Days of Depression by the Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund
A person at my church believes that “dogs are one of the only animals that intentionally look at you in the eyes.” Our dog Fia, a boxer/poodle mix, will be six years old this fall and she has the most beautiful, deep, and soulful brown eyes. With a faithful dog at your side, life seems […]
I am With You on the Journey By Rev. Dr. Tim Ahrens
It has been 18 months since I have written for this blog. As I read the powerful and thoughtful words of contributors to the UCC Mental Health Network blog, I am struck each week by the honesty, the vulnerability and the depth of each writer. They are stories of struggle and victory, stories of parenting […]